Friday, June 25, 2010

Pasta Primavera

I’ve been comparing brands of whole grain pasta. My current favorite is the Hodgson Mills brand for its simplicity – only one ingredient, and for its satisfying texture.

Wanting to use up my veggies before a weekend away from home, I made a simple pasta primavera. I wasn't really following a recipe, just making it up as I went. I was even so lazy as to not peel the carrots. They were so young and fresh that the delicate skin didn't need to be removed. The carrots were from my farm’s own crop, non uniform in shape and decidedly not standard grocery store carrots.

Pasta Primavera

Broccoli, washed and cut into florets
2 carrots, cut into 1-inch pieces
2 tomatoes
Spring garlic
1 onion, cut into little moons
1 Tbsp olive oil
A slice of butter
A splash of some red wine from the glass I was drinking while cooking.

I heated the oil and butter in a large saucepan and stirred in the onions, followed by the carrots and garlic for about 5 - 7 minutes. Then I added the broccoli for a few more minutes. Last came the tomatoes, a splash of wine and a ladleful of the pasta cooking water. I cracked on some fresh black pepper, then tossed in the pasta.

Dinner in under 20 minutes!

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