Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Keeping the veggies fresh

Farmshare pick up day! My favorite day of the week.

For the first two weeks of the share, I’ve been shoving my farmshare goodies away in the fridge as best they fit in. This week, I tried something a little different. I washed, prepped and tupperwared the dill, cilantro, sugar snap peas, mesclun, and lettuce.

The farm gave me a great tip for lettuce storage. They say to wash it, spin it and store it in the salad spinner. The lettuce stays fresh for a full week like this. Salad making was a snap since the lettuce was ready to go.

A Simple Salad

Lettuce, Garlic scapes, Almond shavings, chopped Cheddar cheese with balsamic vinaigrette - served with a slice of whole grain bread on the side and a glass of red wine.

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