Tuesday, June 22, 2010

CSA Week 3

The Pick List for Week 3:

Garlic Scapes
Spring Garlic
Mesclun Mix
Red Leaf Lettuce
Sugar Snap Peas
Collard Greens

The farm told us our pick list changed this week from the original plan thanks to the unusually high heat. It's interesting to be close enough to the fields to know how my menus are affected by weather. The broccoli bumped the cabbage off the list. Broccoli was picked early this week to save it from the heat; cabbage is hearty enough to withstand it.

The sugar snap peas have been my favorite for snacking on. I appreciate them even more now that I know they are the most time consuming to pick. It takes two people three hours on the morning of pick-up day to harvest enough peas for the shares.

The Garlic Scapes are fascinating. They are the flower of the garlic. Before they straighten and open, they are removed from the garlic bulb and can be eaten as a delicacy. They're so curly they look like bracelets!

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