Thursday, July 8, 2010

Basil Lemonade

I can't stop sticking my nose into the fresh bunch of basil. This summer, I have almost always had a cold pitcher of homemade lemonade in my refrigerator. I make it with Splenda to keep the calories down, but the same recipe can be followed with equal measurements of regular sugar. Sugar is hard to dissolve. It may take some warm water and lots of swishing.

Basil Lemonade

A large handful of clean basil leaves
3/4 cup lemon juice
3/4 cup sugar
~5 cups of water

Rip the basil leaves off their stems and put in the bottom of an empty pitcher. Pour the lemon juice on top. Using an ice cream scoop or other blunt tool, bruise and mash the leaves to spread their flavor into the liquid. Stir in the sugar, ice cubes and water.

When serving, put at least one of the leaves into each glass. They are too pretty to leave behind.

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