Friday, July 2, 2010

Roasted Beets and Goat Cheese Gratin

I love beets. They are the vegetable that 'converted' me - they showed me I could love trying new things and opened my mind. I prefer them without vinegar. Mushy, vinegary canned beets are the reason I never thought I would like them. Freshly roasted beets are so pretty and purple, they glow and beg to be eaten. In this dish, the sweetness of the beet is contrasted by salty goat cheese. It's a satisfying balance that can serve as a meal all on its own.

Roasted Beets and Goat Cheese Gratin

Olive Oil
1 small bunch of beets
salt and pepper
2 oz of goat cheese
2 Tbsp bread crumbs
Thyme leaves

I scrubbed and sliced the beets. This recipe is done in the broiler. But it was such a hot night to shorten the broiler time, I pre-softened the beets in the microwave by covering the bowl and cooking for ~3 min, till the beets could be easily pierced with a fork.

Heat the broiler. Use a shallow dish that is oven proof. Coat the bottom a dish with olive oil. Place the beets in the dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Thinly slice the goat cheese so that it crumbles over the beets. Sprinkle with bread crumbs and thyme leaves.

Broil for 3 to 5 minutes until the cheese is melted and a little golden.

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