Sunday, July 18, 2010

Vegetable Broth

All season long I've been freezing my leftover bits of raw vegetables, saving them for a vegetable broth. The stalk of broccoli, tops of garlic and onion, unused greens (except lettuce), last year's wild harvested fiddleheads. I had a one-gallon sized ziploc bag full of veggies, so now it's time for broth!

It was incredibly easy to make; I can't believe I haven't done it before. I chose the longer method - where you take your time browning the veggies before adding the liquid. You can skip the browning to speed things up.

The flavor was so concentrated, I may dilute for use.

Vegetable Broth

Heat a soup pot and add 2 Tbsp of oil. Add the veggies to brown. Leave them alone for 5 minutes, then stir. Repeat this procedure until you have good browning.

Add 6 cups of water, 2 Tbsp soy sauce, 20 stems with leaves of parsley, and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a simmer.

Simmer, covered, for about an hour. The longer you go, the more flavor it will have, though even just 30 minutes will do if you are in a hurry.

When finished, strain the liquid into a container.

Broth can be frozen to increase storage time.

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