Thursday, July 15, 2010

Quick Pasta for One

I got home later than usual after going to the gym. My kitchen was already clean and I didn't want to mess it up with a complicated recipe. Plus, I had some delicious pesto ready to use.

I made a pasta without following a recipe, just creating as I went.

I sliced zucchini into long wedges, put it on a cookie sheet with two scallions, spritzed with olive oil, sprinkled with salt and broiled until a little brown at the edges.

Meanwhile, I put whole grain pasta on to boil. When cooked, I drained the pasta but left a little bit of the cooking water behind. I stirred in a spoonful of pesto, carrot puree (also pre-made earlier this week) and Parmesan. I put the veggies from the broiler on top, drizzled a bit of balsamic vinegar and cracked on pepper.

Dinner in 15 minutes!

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