Tuesday, July 13, 2010

CSA Week 6

The Pick List for Week 6:

Spring Onions
Japanese Eggplant
Green Peppers
Pickling Cucumbers

The celery is greener and smells better than any I have seen before. I get a kick out of becoming familiar with the farm-version of vegetables. The CSA doesn't trim them up like they do in the produce aisle; the vegetables still have their extraneous leaves and offshoots. 

As usual, I purchased extra items in the farm stand. The stand is so well stocked, I hardly need to go to the grocery store. I bought eggs, honey made right on the farm, cheese, bread, tomatoes, plums, raspberries, bananas, an avocado, a cubanelle pepper, yellow zucchini (which is comic book yellow!) and romaine lettuce. My pet rabbit will appreciate the romaine I bought. He turns his nose up at any other type; his stubbornness means he hasn't gotten fresh lettuce in many weeks.

The farm newsletter informed us that high heat damaged 1,000 heads of lettuce. That may explain why we didn't get any lettuce included in bushel.

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